Three Key Points

When planning to site your new home, remember these three key points:

1. Anticipate problems beforehand. 

Costly delays and expenditures can often be avoided by obtaining useful information through good research. Know what your expenses are. Have a plan. Put in writing what it will take to properly site your new home. 

2. Play by the rules. 

Follow the local government's permit and approval system. Document each step taken. Do not proceed on the basis of what some government official may have said; put it in writing. Verify phone conversations with memos or handwritten notes. Always know who you are talking to and what authority he or she has. 

3. Evaluate your commitment. 

This is not an overnight process. Placing a manufactured home may be a very time-consuming process. Make sure you are willing to pursue an appeal or legal challenge should current zoning policy block your attempts to site your manufactured home. Make sure your retailer is committed to assist you in changing unfair laws or regulations. At the same time, do not be discouraged by discriminatory zoning policies. Go ahead and try to locate your home on the lot of your choice. Despite some perceptions, manufactured homes are not inferior to site-built houses. Changes and exceptions to zoning policies are common.